Update 7.6
v7.6 (7 Jan 2017) - added kdr tracker
* saves all kills and deaths of your players in a csv file * calculates k/d ratio and profit
- added media browser * combined the screenshots manager and the gif maker * added gif browser and option to upload to imgur - added xp tracker to clan chat window * player combat xps are looked up on clan chat joins * xp differences can be calculated between two timestamps using the compare option * captured data can be exported as a csv file and imported later on - added option to play sound on pneck breaking - added clan wars challenge timer - added timezone in logs - moved Always on top checkbox to the title bar in most windows - renamed player grabber to player risks and added export option - fixed our players death marker
KDR tracker
Saves all your kills and deaths and calculates profit.
Media browser
One place to manage your screenshots, videos and GIFs.
A video can be cut and exported as AVI or GIF animation.
GIFs under 10 MB can be uploaded the same way as screenhots. Over 10 MB you can upload manually and paste the link for manageability.
XP tracker (Pro feature)
Player combat xps are looked up on clan chat joins. The data can be exported as a csv file and imported later on.
Xp differences can be calculated between two timestamps using the compare option.
Clan Wars challenge timer
A timer will appear when you are invited to a clan wars fight. The timer is visible while the bank is open.
Player risks (Pro feature)
Name grabber is renamed now to Player risks.
Export option added.